Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Bookworm Tag
So here it goes ...
Do you remember how you developed a love for reading?
When I was in sec. school I have a friend who loves reading. She has loads of novels by Sidney Sheldon. So she was the one who introduce me all this novel reading madness .... My mom loves reading also ..(mostly romance story ..Mills & Boons..heyyyy who doesn't love them?? I've read a few books too ... awwww)
What are some books you read as a child?
Can't remember lorr ..comics maybe? and those detective stories books ..
What is your favourite genre?
Fiction and non-fiction books
Do you have a favourite novel?
All novels by Sidney Sheldon (Since I have read most of the stories already ...hehe)
Where do you usually read?
Hmmm ...anywhere (even in the toilet when I am ... hahahaha ) Hubby said its disgusting but hey don't waste time rite? .. hoho
When do you usually read?
whenever I have free times ..but most of the time before I go to bed or when I am in the toilet! (its the only time when I'm lost in my own world.. trying to imagine the storyline )
Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?
Hmm ..no. I always have 1 book in one time. I will continue another book when I'm done with prev book ..
Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?
If I really wanted to find out about something ..so I will sit down and read on the table. But if just for knowledge ..anywhere also can .. no diff! hehe
Do you buy most of the books you read, or borrow them, or check them out of the library?
Buy .. I have just started to borrow from Sabah State Library (and they don't have much choice ..boohooo!!)
Do you keep most of the books you buy?
Of Course , in my house (the storeroom) ..in my parents house in Membakut and my PIL's hse in Tawau . Now both of our parents keep on nagging on us to take away our books since we have our own house ..aiyahhh
If you have children, what are some of the favorite books you have shared with them? Were they some of the same ones you read as a child?
None ..it's all new. Books nowadays are very far different from my childhood time. I bought books based on their age.
Do you keep a TBR (to be read) list?
ya.. I do (on my mind ..hehe)
What’s next?
Since hub & me have lots & lots of books so we decided to make a small library in our house, but first we need to fixed a wall cabinet .... hehe Most of our books still not yet unpacked! hehe ..
What books would you like to reread?
Harry Potter book 1-7 & The Hobbit & LOTR
Who are your favourite authors?
Sidney Sheldon and Dean Koontz
And I love to pass this tag to :
Joann & Donna
Monday, July 28, 2008
Weekend is over ...
Yesterday we went to have brunch in Hilltop Luyang (Forgot the name of the restaurant..**ouchh very forgetful lately..) But their menu is very simple .. They only have "mee" & "meehoon", whether you want dry (kon lau lah) or soup ..but the main ingredients are all the same ... fish! Anyhow, their food is delicious .. I can see a lot of people went there too! And oh ya ..they do have my all-time favourite ..Tom Yam Mee! After brunch we had small talk with hub, he decided that he will start his own food-blog soon, so .. I'm waiting lah this! hehe ..anyway have to get a digi-cam loor so he can take loads & loads of pix! (at the moment he is still using SLR cam ..) After brunch, we don't know what to do. So we decided to head to Centre Point, the shopping complex which we abandoned since they have 1Borneo. I haven't been there for quite some time and I found it less attractive nowadays (The only place I visit there is Popular bookstore and bought few books...) So we were there for less than an hour. After that we headed home (at least the kids get their afternoon nap).
Later in the evening hub said he wanted to go to Kasih Sayang Resort in Kionsom. So we packed our things (together with the video-cam) and drive up to Inanam. When we left the house it was really windy so I told hub it better don't rain, if not it will spoilt our trip ..But duhh half way there it already started raining . But nevermind that , we still continue our journey. Yess ..we are determine to go.But nobody ever tell us (or warn us) about the trip going there! And I & hub didn't have the slightest idea about the journey too ! And to those of you who wish to go there, let me tell you earlier about the road condition. Worst! and just imagine bad road condition and going up hill (steep road)! You need a 4wd to go there.. and we are not well prepared for that!! (pity our car....) So we only managed to go half-way and turn back ! I am so sad that I didn't get the chance to go there and watched sunset (or take photo of the wild boar like DelphinaRougue did... hehe). But hub promised that when the weather is good and the sky is clear & sunny we definitely will go there again..hehe (another attempt lah kunun this...). Tho' I didn't get there, but hey I do have some pix to post here. Next time, I promise I will take lots of pix ok! When I get there .....
Friday, July 25, 2008
Update 1
Isaac has no more fever since last Tuesday, and I am relieved that he doesn't even have the HFM disease! Thank God for that .. But yesterday Phoebe was send home because of mild fever, but she can still run around with her cousin! haiii ..kids! Did you guys read the newspaper yesterday abt the HFM disease ?? ohhh .. i was soo thankful that Isaac didn't get the bug ..fuhhh!!
Dept to check on situation at TadikaKota Kinabalu: Sabah Acting Health Director Dr Mohd Yusof Ibrahim said personnel will be sent from the department's Public Health Division to check out the situation at Tadika Chung Hwa in Lido, Penampang.
This followed reports from a grandmother that two of her grandchildren were diagnosed by a private doctor as having symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD).
According to the grandmother, her granddaughter suffered the symptoms earlier this month, followed by a younger one with similar symptoms on July 15.
Read More
Isaac also have the symptoms .. and the doctor suspected it to be HFMD, so do you think I should report it? They said "parents whose children have been diagnosed with symptoms of HFMD have been advised to inform the department's contact number or nearest health office for their immediate action." What action?? nahhh .. I don't think so lah .. hehe or maybe I should check with the school if there is any sick babies there ....
Update 2
Cheaper Milk ?? (DE @ 24th July 2008)
Cheaper milk
Penang: The Government will next year announce a new "growing up" milk product for children above two years of age, which is expected to be 30 per cent cheaper than the current milk price.
The product will be manufactured by a government-linked company whose name Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad declined to reveal. He said the milk would not be advertised in any media.
Instead, it will be directly put on sale in hypermarkets and shopping malls.
"The main reason for the price to be 30 per cent less is because the product will not carry any advertising cost," he said.
He said the Ministry needed more time to prepare the programme, adding that it had identified the producer.
Wow .. cheaper milk? that's a good news, isn't it? Well, nowadays formula milk is really really expensive. And I have 2 kids still on formula milk! (my gawddd..I am actually trying to make Phoebe to stop on formula milk.Lisa, how do u do it?) So , I'm waiting for it! Is this going to be like the "beras subsidi" by the government? where people will rush to the hypermarket to get their "susu subsidi" hehe ...so I'll be one of them, then? hmmm...
Update 3
I was reading Lisa's blog few days ago about the US Airways,can they fly or not? Well it's a bit scary when they said they are just going to bring "just enough" fuel for the trip .. I mean, what if something happen on the way? Well I'm sure the US airways have their own reason behind that. Anyway what really caught my attention is how they react on the problem ...
Ray (spokesman for the US Airlines Pilot) said soaring jet fuel prices have sent all the airlines scrambling to find ways to cut the weight of airliners because the heavier the plane, the more fuel the plane burns. US Airways, based in Tempe, Ariz., has recently removed movie players, redesigned its meal carts and replaced glassware with plastic to reduce weight.
US Airways is also buying more fuel-efficient aircraft and cutting inefficient routes from its network. Still, an average round trip flight costs about $299 worth of fuel per passenger, company officials said
Source : click here to read more
That was US ... what about Malaysian??
MAS : What?? Fuel price increase aahh? How much woorr ..?? what?? Carry extra fuel on flight ka ? Ok ok no problem can ... then increased the ticket fare by 30% lah!!!! Sure can ..no problem one ....Who make noise ? Don't care lah .. I don't want to lose my vacation money lah... Let the people suffer with me lah ...
Air asia : What? increase again aahh ..aiyahh die lorr like this ..aiya don't increase fare ..we increase the airport tax lah ..or we sell whatever we can on air ... like safety belt for rent at 4.99 maybe? or rent 1 safety jacket at 8.99 and you get the 2nd unit at half price!
That was only my opinion ok?? I repeat ...MY OPINION ! What Malaysia airlines do when there is a fuel price increase? Increase the fare!! Simple!
Now everyone can nag ...
Ok that's the end of my update .. all in one entry ..sorry if it bored u! happy weekends everybody ...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
This is my NOW !
Living in a shell, hiding from myself
There was a time when I was so afraid
I thought I'd reached the end
Baby that was then
But I am made of more than my yesterdays
This is my now,
And I am breathing in the moment
Cuz I look around
I can't believe the love I see
My fears behind me,
Gone are the shadows and doubts
That was then, this is my now
Had to decide was I gonna play it safe
Or look somewhere deep inside
and try to turn the tide
Find the strength to take that step of faith
**kiss kiss**
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hand Foot & Mouth Disease ..
Anyway done some research ....
What is hand-foot-and-mouth syndrome?
Hand-foot-and-mouth syndrome (HFM) is a viral infection characterized by fever and a typical rash most frequently seen on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and inside the mouth. It should not be confused with foot (hoof) and mouth disease that affects cattle, sheep, and swine.
What are the symptoms of hand-foot-and-mouth syndrome?
HFM is most commonly an illness of the spring and fall seasons. Initial symptoms of mild fever (101-102 degrees) and malaise are followed within one or two days by a characteristic rash. Small (2-3 mm) red spots that quickly develop into small vesicles (blisters) appear on the palms, soles, and oral cavity. The gums, tongue, and inner cheek are most commonly involved. The foot lesions may also involve the lower calf region and rarely may appear on the buttocks. Oral lesions are commonly associated with a sore throat and diminished appetite.
What causes hand-foot-and-mouth syndrome?
HFM is caused by several members of the enterovirus family. The most common cause is Coxsackie virus A-16; less frequently Enterovirus 71 is the infectious agent. The clinical manifestations of routine HFM are the same regardless of the responsible virus. However, patients infected with Enterovirus 71 are more likely to experience rare complications (for example, viral meningitis or cardiac muscle involvement).
What is the incubation period for hand-foot-and-mouth syndrome?
HFM is moderately contagious and spreads from person to person. It cannot be spread by animals. Usually the virus is passed via oral secretions (nasal discharge, saliva, etc.) or via stool. There is a short four- to six-day incubation period between exposure and development of initial symptoms (fever and malaise). A person is most contagious during the first week of illness.
Read More
OMGG !! It's contagious .. and the Paed told me to monitor his condition for 2 days! If the fever hasn't come down so he definitely got the HFM disease..so he have to be quarantine and they (the doctor) have to report this to the Health Inspector. And the Health Inspector will do a round/check at Isaac's school .. and if they found out they have a chain (means like 2-3 kids having the same problem like Isaac) they will order the school to shut down for a week! I was terrified when I heard this..of course! I really didn't know it was THAT serious ... BUT if after 2 days he has no more fever .. so Isaac just got tonsillitis bug .... phewww! **finger cross**
So after I gave him his med this afternoon ..he has no more fever ! Fuuuuhhhh thank god for that! I don't want to be blame if they really have to shut down his school for a week! Anyway, where the hell do i find a nanny to look after my poor boy?? Oh well.. I guess I just need to make a SOS call to my mom ..tiihiiihiiii...
Time for med again my boy ......
Okie really have to go ...need to keep an eye on my poor baby..
Sunday, July 20, 2008
1. When you buy a greetings card, are the words or the picture more important to you?
Words, because most of the time the only word I wrote is To & From ....hihihih (oh ya ..brand too ..like Hallmark)
2. What's your favorite kind of cake?
Any flavour as long as home made cake, (Wendy's & FIL's cake is on my list too..)
3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them?
Never -- huhuhu don't have the patrience nor creativity ...I always buy them
4. What's your favorite holiday?
Going on tour with my family (Visiting civilize place & meeting civilize people ...)
5. Are you going on holiday this year?
errgghh ..not really, only going back to PIL's hse this August to celebrate Isaac's 1 yo birthday.Maybe end of the year going for holiday? not sure yet ...**finger cross**
6. What was the best party you've ever been to?
My wedding ! ..hahahaha no lah haven't been to any party lately since I got kids ..
7. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal wedding be like?
I'm married & my wedding was simple . The wedding was blessed by Fr Cosmas Lee in Holy Trinity Tawau followed by a wedding reception at one of the restaurant .. (Can't remember the name ..but I remember I arrived late !hahaha ...) In KK we did the reception at Bundusan (goshh .. can't remember the restaurant name either ...doiiiii).The schedule was hetic..because 9 Nov Mass & Reception in Tawau ..fly back to kk for KK reception on 14 Nov..The next day went to Kundasang and stay overnite , saturday evening went back to KK and Sunday fly to Langkawi...very tiring ! I was on leave from work for almost a month!
8. What's the most romantic thing that's ever happened to you?
When hubby proposed...
9. What's your favorite girls' name?
10. What's your favorite boys' name?
11. Which celebrity would you like a dream date with?
Local artist - Afdlin Shauki (funny guy..) & Not local artist - Milo Ventimiglia aka Peter Petrelli (ohh I could sooo ...)
12. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful? Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston?
they are both the same ..not beautiful
13. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive?
still ... Milo Ventimiglia (my herooooooo....)
14. What is your best character trait?
hmmm ..dunno...
15. What is your worst habit?
Nyanyok and insane?
So I have finished my tag and now I am going to tag :
Whoever reading my blog ..and feels like doing it ....
Friday, July 18, 2008
Mengalum Island
It is called Mengalum Island, located about 56km northwest from Kota Kinabalu.By speed boat you can reach the island around 45mins to 1 hr (depends on sea weather also..).It's famous with their fishing spot.But lots of people didn't know yet that they do have a resort there .. its quiet new actually (since there is not much publicity about the place yet).Anyway, they have nice white sandy beaches ..and a lot of foreign & locals divers went there for diving too! You can check their website here
These are a few photos of the island ...


(Ignore the 2 person posing for this pix ... hehehehe)
.jpg)
Nice, eh? Very....
p.s actually I post this entry to distract my mind from writting abt the politics in M'sia & RPK arrest recently ..! Anyway .. I should have been writting abott my kids right? Ok more to come later abt my 2 kids ...........laaaaaa-terrrrr now got work to do *wink*muahhhh
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Blog your kids!

One day you will be big & bright enough to read mummy's rambling about u & ur lil-bro, by then you will know how much mum & dad loves u two ... too much! and by then,you will know what to do and act upon it.
Love ..Mummy
Saturday, July 12, 2008
When enough is enough.....
(sigh).. Piggy got greedy again today... well at least his appetite is getting better...., the whole bunch of what-ever was in his tummy came... poor kid!
Hmmm.... have to get some donuts for SIL, my brother just called up confused on the order, it seems the wife & SIL did their own ordering without us knowing...
1 box of BAD coming up....
~posted by amosinoh~
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Wedding ...
p.s my childhood friend is also getting married this Aug , well she pick the date 08.08.08 . People said no 8 is a lucky number ? ya mehh?? I don't believe there is any "unlucky" number .. Do you?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Birthday Cake!!!






Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What day is it today??
So a very happy birthday to you & hope you enjoy ur volks cake! Your wife has a very long story about that .. hahaha You should ask her anyway .. giving her a lot of stress !!
Anyway was waiting for the cake photo ... but pix can't get thru .. don't know what seems to be the problem. Anyway Wendy will be sending me some (saki-baki) of the cake .. so **finger-cross** lah ni ... Can't wait to try out the cake!
p.s So once I get the photo I will post it here .. hehe .Got to go because Piggy Boy is disturbing me again..... aiyohh!