Ok ..I've been tag by Joann , and here it is ...
1. When you buy a greetings card, are the words or the picture more important to you?
Words, because most of the time the only word I wrote is To & From ....hihihih (oh ya ..brand too ..like Hallmark)
2. What's your favorite kind of cake?
Any flavour as long as home made cake, (Wendy's & FIL's cake is on my list too..)
3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them?
Never -- huhuhu don't have the patrience nor creativity ...I always buy them
4. What's your favorite holiday?
Going on tour with my family (Visiting civilize place & meeting civilize people ...)
5. Are you going on holiday this year?
errgghh ..not really, only going back to PIL's hse this August to celebrate Isaac's 1 yo birthday.Maybe end of the year going for holiday? not sure yet ...**finger cross**
6. What was the best party you've ever been to?
My wedding ! ..hahahaha no lah haven't been to any party lately since I got kids ..
7. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal wedding be like?
I'm married & my wedding was simple . The wedding was blessed by Fr Cosmas Lee in Holy Trinity Tawau followed by a wedding reception at one of the restaurant .. (Can't remember the name ..but I remember I arrived late !hahaha ...) In KK we did the reception at Bundusan (goshh .. can't remember the restaurant name either ...doiiiii).The schedule was hetic..because 9 Nov Mass & Reception in Tawau ..fly back to kk for KK reception on 14 Nov..The next day went to Kundasang and stay overnite , saturday evening went back to KK and Sunday fly to Langkawi...very tiring ! I was on leave from work for almost a month!
8. What's the most romantic thing that's ever happened to you?
When hubby proposed...
9. What's your favorite girls' name?
10. What's your favorite boys' name?
11. Which celebrity would you like a dream date with?
Local artist - Afdlin Shauki (funny guy..) & Not local artist - Milo Ventimiglia aka Peter Petrelli (ohh I could sooo ...)
12. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful? Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston?
they are both the same ..not beautiful
13. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive?
still ... Milo Ventimiglia (my herooooooo....)
14. What is your best character trait?
hmmm ..dunno...
15. What is your worst habit?
Nyanyok and insane?
So I have finished my tag and now I am going to tag :
Whoever reading my blog ..and feels like doing it ....
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Fiona, you got married in Tawau pula, I thought in KK, ah so in Holy Trinity church lah that....who is the priest serving in Tawau these days, masih Cosmas Lee kah juga?
Hehe ..no more loorr ..Cosmas Lee kena send back to KK bcz his Uncle the Bishop kena naik pangkat jadi Archbishop for Sabah/Sarawak ..wuuiii siap kena marah by him before the wedding bah .. u know lah him kan... garang..hahahah, Anyway he's more than happy to see us now wit 2 kids! LOL
Alamak kena lecture kah kamurang, is that for the course before marriage kah that, we managed to escape from that one, actually kalau we did our wedding blessing di Tawau, we wouldn't have made it cause mau course dulu diurang bilang nasib Father Pryder kasih chance, dui.....you knowlah, I was not in M'sia tu bfore we got married so how to go for course....adidi....but nasih si Tonnie also Catholic so Father Pryder say oklah, ada bawa baptism certificate along kan, haahhaha, in Dutch lagi tu, the secretary of Father Pryder, dia bilang apa ini, apa macam ni, betul kah ni Baptism Cert., funny betul but of courselah Father Pryder faham kan so pass.....LOL
Hahaha ..we also supposed to go for Course ..tapi my MIL kasi tulung escape ! Ya lor nowadays church are very fussy ..don't know y
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